It’s A New Year!
It’s a New Year
I have always loved the quote from Anne of Green Gables, by L.M Montgomery, “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
Well, the beginning of the year is in itself a new beginning. We have a year ahead of us with no mistakes in it….yet.
We will make mistakes. As written by Alexander Pope, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.”
We have a God who forgives us. The bible tells us “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Thankfully, a life following Jesus doesn’t require that we make no mistakes. We don’t have to rely on our own righteousness, especially since the word says that “our righteousness are as filthy rags” Isaiah :5-6, but our faith in Jesus gives us His righteousness, Romans 3:22.
That, friends, gives me great Joy.
It’s a new year, with no mistakes in it, but with Jesus I don’t have to worry about being perfect. I will make mistakes and Jesus forgives me.
Thank you, Lord, for your grace and mercy. Thank you for the forgiveness of sins. I thank you that I don’t have to rely on my work to have salvation, but you give it to me as a gift. Please lead me in all that I do. Please help me forgive as you have forgiven us. Please guide me this New Year.